Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This is just a test.


Donna said...

Well we are in Dallas at the hospital waiting on the chemo, we have been here since 8 this morning and now they are saying maybe by 3 they will get to him. We got the call from here yesterday that he was approved for the transplant now it is just getting insurance approval and he is on the list so we are thinking the first of the week. I will post after he gets the treatment later tonight. Donna

Anonymous said...

He finally made it back to the room about 6 or so. They only treated one of the tumors today the other one was too hard to get to without damage since they had already treated the other side.So now if he doesn't get transplanted in the next month we come back and they the treat the other one. The good news is there is only 2 tumors not 3 like they thought.The insurance company already has the paper work so we could hear from them tomorrow. Mike is doing pretty good now after he got to eat and has gona back to sleep. I will post later as we hear more. Donna

bob and sandy said...

good thoughts your way. when you feel like it after you get your new body part we will come visit.